2008年7月31日 星期四



為什麼奧運前股市不冧是謬論? -《財經拆局2》 P.45




. . .

再兜個圈 再轉個彎 天天有難度

再經過起跌高到低 先知粒粒 亦都

再兜個圈 再轉個彎 幾千里長路

結婚戒指 變出世紙 先知粒粒 亦辛苦

2008年7月30日 星期三

Celebrity laps

Oh Yes! Jay Kay did1.45.8. He is the fastest celeb around Top Gear's test track.

Well done JK, you deserve it!

Links: Celebrity laps , The Track

2008年7月21日 星期一


我在車廂裡看著, 看著藍天與白雲.

Juno 說, 希望做一首像軟硬當年既歌.....我覺得有o的似呢一首.


剛剛買了《蘭開夏道》, 是多了一些照片, 一些字跡. 不過都唔似出自一名女子的手筆. 感覺好像是在令到"成件事"更加真實. Don't get me wrong. Daisy 是誰真係唔係咁重要, 最緊要星期六的《信報》有這個專欄看.

「蘭開夏道前傳」"I 'm okay! Don't touch my bum!" - 夠誇張, 抵死.


好熱 , 走到街上隨時會溶掉 (死).


2008年7月14日 星期一

The driver who even Alonso admires

The Stig v F1

"Whoever's in that car is a seriously good driver," said Fernando Alonso pre-race at the British Grand Prix last weekend.

Alonso was watching a man being driven around in a two seat Santander grand prix car by a mysterious white-clad driver.

"I've no idea who he is, but he's definitely ex-F1," Alonso continued.

Who was he talking about? The Stig of course!

Those of you who were at Silverstone last weekend may have noticed the well-known tame racing driving lapping the circuit before the F1 cars went out to the grid.

The Stig had been bought in a Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital charity auction for the princely sum of £35,000, by a man who'd won £5million pounds on the lottery.

His 35 grand got him three laps in the back of the Santander grand prix car, driven by the Stig himself.

You'll know if you watched the race how wet it was, but the Stig threw off the challenge with a shrug.

Or at least he would have if he was prone to any physical expression what-so-ever, but as he's not he just got on with it.

No traction control, no driver aids and cold, hard Avon wet tyres.

The back even stepped out on him at one point, at 178mph, and he saved it.

But then what did you expect from a driver who even Alonso admires?

Sir Stiggington, we salute you.


2008年7月12日 星期六


Daisy 七月出書 , 將會收錄過去一年刊於《信報》的專欄文章 , 又話會輯錄一系列佢拍攝的照片,比大家感受吓 Bobos 式生活. 迪詩會唔會就係小宇呢? 恜目以待 「蘭開夏道前傳」和 《穿Kenzo 的女人》再版.

2008年7月8日 星期二