2007年11月28日 星期三


"在魔幻國度裡,人的靈魂以動物的形態出現,只得12歲的萊拉(迪歌達布魯字察斯飾演)的靈獸Pantalaimon。萊拉的好友被神秘組織「拐子黨」擄走 了,憑著科學家Coulter夫人(妮歌潔曼飾演)送給她的「真理羅盤」(Alethiometer),萊拉展開了往北極的奇幻之旅,從而揭開神奇塵粒子 (Dust)的秘密,改寫了宇宙的未來……"
  1. 十分之超現實的冒險故事,再加幾幕打仗暴力場面。
  2. 動物識講o野。童心未泯o既人可能會覺得好得意囉。
  3. 嗯。超巨大北極熊啦,Nicole Kidman,Daniel Craig,Eva Green 好型。
  4. 香港是否都叫<<魔幻羅盤>> 呢? 羅盤喎...!?
  5. 聖誕節o岩晒,可以諗少樣節目。會唔會有聖誕老人呢...(係,我知呢個要求係有o的過分。)
  6. 襯仲未上畫,讀定原著,做定功課先。

HD Trailers from Apple - The Golden Compass

後記: 原著的書名是 Northern Lights. 相信你們已經看到地鐵月台的大型廣告吧!

2007年11月17日 星期六

What Would Jesus Buy?

Christmas is coming.
Reverend Billy Wants You To Stop Shopping.


2007年11月9日 星期五


Happy to Grad. again. Thanks God

You're gonna be the death of me
I don't want you, but I need you,
I love you and hate you at the very same time

See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad
Never did this before, that's what the virgin said
We've been generally warned, that's what the surgeon says
God talk to me now this is an emergency

And she claim she only with me for the currency,
You cut me deep bitch cut me like surgery
And i was too proud to admit that it was hurtin me
Id never do that to you at least purposely

We breakin up again
We makin up again
But we don't love no more
I guess we fuckin then

2007年11月4日 星期日

Canon In D Major

Another Day is coming...